The Agile tariff by Octopus Energy works by tracking daily wholesale energy prices and providing the next days pricing sometime after 4pm for the day before.
You can read about the tariff on their website:
The price for electricity can be different every 30 minutes, so you need a smart meter to take advantage of this tariff.
But by knowing the pricing of each 30 minute slot you can plan your usage accordingly. ie, take advantage of the cheap slots and try to avoid the more expensive.
The Agile tariff is perfect for those with Solar PV, Electric Cars, Immersion/Storage heaters or or anyone that can shift their usage away from the 4pm to 7pm peak.
When there is an abundance of renewables on the grid the price of certain 30 minute slots on Agile can even go negative, meaning you can get paid to use energy.
We have a page dedicated to Agile ‘price plunges’, showing the times and prices when prices went negative.
There are a number of pre-configured graphs on the page below to help show current and historical pricing.
If you wish to explore the data with different timeframes, be sure to check out Energy Stats Dashboard feature.
Note: All unit pricing information on the website includes VAT.
Note: This website only pulls the most current version of the Agile tariff.
Like other tariffs, Agile has changed to track the global market forces.
Here a list of the recent changes and the relevant API code. (The number format is Year, Month, Day)
You can read about the new formula and how it includes the Energy Price Guarantee here:
New tariff codes are only for new customers or existing customers that wish to recontract.
Any existing customers will be on their old version until the end of their current contract.
I’d suggest contacting Octopus directly if you wish to confirm your own contractual status.
If you find the content of this website useful and are thinking of joining Octopus Energy, please consider using my referral code or ‘buy me a coffee’ to help support running costs of the website.
Using this referral code will gift you £50 of free Octopus Energy credit after signup:
If you would like to ‘buy me a coffee’ to show support, please use this link:
If you’re considering owning part of a wind farm through Ripple Energy, get £25 of free credit (if investing more than £1000) using my Ripple referral link.
Energy Stats can also be found on Twitter. Please follow us @energystatsuk for daily Agile tariff pricing graphs and summaries.
And we have also started posting the same graphs over on Mastodon. You can find us here:
Note: The current and past performance of energy pricing is not necessarily a guide to the future.
Use CTRL and mouse clicks to add/remove any of the tariffs.
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