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Referral information and free credit offer

If you find the content of this website useful and are thinking of joining Octopus Energy, please consider using my referral code or ‘buy me a coffee’ to help support running costs of the website.

Using this referral code will gift you £50 of free Octopus Energy credit after signup:

If you would like to ‘buy me a coffee’ to show support, please use this link:

If you’re considering owning part of a wind farm through Ripple Energy, get £25 of free credit (if investing more than £1000) using my Ripple referral link.

Energy Stats can also be found on Twitter.  Please follow us @energystatsuk for daily Agile tariff pricing graphs and summaries.

And we have also started posting the same graphs over on Mastodon.  You can find us here:

Note: The current and past performance of energy pricing is not necessarily a guide to the future.

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